I can hear my mother saying to me at an early age back in the day’s when suntan lotions were baby oil if that, “don’t forget your hands” and of course I never listened and now in my 40’s I see the aging signs not only on my face but my hands ekkkk. We really don’t think of the hands particularly in the summer as needing extra protection and care but the fact is we do, most of us are careful about putting sun block on our faces and body’s but how many remember the hands? Our hands are exposed to sunlight and if unprotected they can become pigmented (dark spots)and yes wrinkled.
Do a once a week hand facial, first use a scrub to rid off dry dead cells, this can be done with your body scrub products, then soak them in water with essential oils, I like a combination of tea tree and tangerine oils, soak for 20 minutes, then apply your hand creams that are rich with protection properties. And if you're one of those lucky people who get mannicures often, ask them to exfoliate (scrub) your hands first just like a facia,l to rejuvenate and expose our beautiful god given hands.
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