Oct 31, 2009
Oct 30, 2009
Aging Hair - Over Worked Hair

The trick at any age with hair is, prep, cleanse, nourish scalp and hair, cut regularly, color hair wisely and realistically, use organically derived products without harsh debilitating side-effects particularly in hair color, this is an easy and logical way to hold on to our hair longer.
My recommended product line
Oct 29, 2009
Model Hair Spotlight #5

Oct 27, 2009
Hair Product Spotlight: Tool #1

Tints; once I have applied the hair color onto the roots and let it process half way I spray damage control to the rest of the hair and then comb through the color to the ends, this helps combing the hair color through easier which makes for a even saturation and application.
Highlights; before I begin I will spray the already pre-existing highlighted hair, this is a fantastic way to protect the hair from the possibility of overlapping which does occur with repeated highlights protecting the hair from weakening.
Fine Hair; this is one of the best products to recommend for those individuals that no matter what they use on their hair they still have the struggle with tangles.
For all hair types
Protects against thermal damage
Reduces breakage from combing
Helps protect against UV damage
Oct 26, 2009
Hair Accessories For FW/09

Oct 23, 2009
Hairdresser Spotlight #1

Guido Palau is one of my favorites, he is an inspiration to many of us in the beauty industry, we take ideas from the likes of Palau and what’s on the runway’s and create variations and interpretations for the clients in the salon. A hairdressers-dresser with the creative ability to make women look powerful yet soft and for this season and many to come I am sure we will be seeing many more trend setting shapes, cuts, colors from Guido Palau.

Oct 22, 2009
Hairdressers Note

Being in the service industry to me is an honour, I sometimes sit and think, “Wow I get paid for my passion” how grateful am I?’HUGE’. Giving gratitude to the clients that sit in my chair is through my work and the Desired End Results, a customized look with a personal experience with their hairdresser that all individuals seek, making someone feel special. A hairdressers job is labour intense, standing on the feet for hours on end , missing lunch, the pressure of being on time with every client, being alert and fast when something doesn’t seem right with the color and most important to be up and energetic when all you want to do is lay down cause your back is hurting. And yet we continue through all the adversities that come with this job because there is passion, passion for the art and having a servant’s heart and making someone’s day is worth every challenge.
Oct 16, 2009
Hair&Hair Color Challenges

My question is two parts,
1-why does my scalp start to flake and itch come the fall? 2-And what can I do to protect my hair color from fading when I use special shampoo and conditioner for my scalp. Any advice!!
Sandra G
balances scalp, cools irritations, removes dry patches
protects color-treated hair from damaging effects of sun, water and environmental stresses
Oct 14, 2009
Hot Hat Trends for F/W 2009-10

Oct 12, 2009
Hair Colors; Monochromatic

Monochromatic colors are a color scheme which uses different shades of the same color, for example, using dark brown, medium brown, and light brown at the same time. In hair color traditionally monochromatic shades were used mostly to cover grey hair having an overall appearance of just a solid tint which meant you were conservative in character. Today monochromatic hair colors are classic, understated and chic and every much a trend which has been emerging in the spot light for a few years now. We are seeing black mattes with shiny blacks, browns with various browns, reds with various red and blondes, all having 2 to 3 shades of that same color in degrees of lightness which not only results into beautiful hair colors but also adds subtle movements in the hair (contrasts).
So if you are one of those individuals who love to have rich hair colors with not too much going on ask your stylist to try adding a few highlights/slices of the same tone with slight variances to your hair, creating more shine, and texture and intrigue. For the stylists, use either 2 to 3 levels of that tone through the hair placed in sequence or the same level and 2 to 3 different developer volumes.
My favorites are, browns, reds and blonde shades to play around with, and the most important with any monochromatic scheme is that the hair color is gleaming with shine, this is one of the best way’s of achieving that glass like hair.

Oct 8, 2009
Beauty and Design

Oct 7, 2009
Butter Blondes
Golden Butter levels 5 and above
Amber Butter levels 3 to 7

Oct 5, 2009
Red Hair Colors For F/W 2009-10

It is a fantastic looking season for this fall-winter in fashion, from, make-up lines, textiles, designers, hairstyles and hair colors all are show casing their interpretations of this season’s palette of purples, navy blues, crimson reds and rustic rich earth tones. Taking inspiration from rich jewel tones and creating hair colors that emulate the subtle spectrum of facets a stone has which when we look at them they all reflect soft hints of varying degrees of that same color or complete opposites. Layering hair colors on top of each other and choosing a cool hue and a warm hue will create those subtle hints or flash’s coming off the hair and to me there is no better stunning looking hair colors then tones on tones with subtle details. Reds this season are truly on fire and ice, it is also a great color to compliment any skin tone with its many shades and combinations to pick from,even olive skin tones can wear reds they just have to be customized with more violet/blues. Imagine a redhead wearing a royal blue outfit, amethyst, emerald green or rich camels, now that’s a head turner.

Oct 2, 2009
Hair&Hair Color Challenges

I have a question about a color? I need to know how I can remove some darkness and ash from an all over color I did with highlights. She wanted to go darker but now she thinks it's too dark and she wants it warmer. What do you think the best way to go about this is?
Thank You Johnene
When any situation like this happens the first thing we want to do is fix it or get it fixed, in most cases if the client is not crying I have them live with it for a few day’s or at least 24hr giving the hair color time to oxidize and with a few shampoo’s such as Aveda Detox-Shampoo or Rosemary Mint Shampoo which helps with lifting off some of the residue (color) of the hair. However this is not always the ideal acceptance from the clients perceptive so we can do a few things 1/ Take shampoo plus a sprinkle of enlightener and 20 volume developer on wet hair at the sink apply like a shampoo, allow it to sit on the hair watch it carefully, it will start to remove tone, once the desired tone is achieved the shade and the ash will have subsided, now we must apply a gloss/glaze right after with gold process for 10 to 20 minutes. 2/ Using a 9N or a 10N natural level and 30 or 40 volume developer on wet hair, applying it like a virgin application mid-ends then roots working quickly at sink from the back of the head to front watching it remove tones 10 to 20 minutes. 3/ Taking fine weave highlights through some of the lowlights with enlightener using 20 volume developer, to address the remainder of the hair and ash apply a demi/semi-permanent color with gold and slightly increse the amout of the developer as required like a toner.